A new church plant on Cleveland’s West side!

Who we are

a quick glance

Click below to listen to past messages and services from The Collide Church.

Divine Encounter & Theology

One cannot pick up a book and read experience.  It has to be experienced in order to be had.  The Divine encounter with God births a faith, and that faith seeks understanding.  Sound theological teaching guides us in our faith journeys.

Faith & Diversity

There’s one Lord, one faith, and one baptism, but the body of Christ is not homogenous.  We embrace and celebrate the beautiful diversity of God’s creation.  We actively engage issues of social justice, which is part-and-parcel to the Gospel and to spirituality.

Church & Community

The church was birthed and continues to exist in the context of community.  Church and community are to work hand-in-hand and not be completely separate entities.  We want to impact both the local and global community. 


Christ’s love and the love we show others is the binding agent that holds our pillars together. 
We believe that love is more than sentiments and feelings, but that love must have action.  
Love Does. . .


To learn more about who we are and what we’re doing,
please stop by our website and get connected ASAP!